Sunday, 10 March 2013

What fasting does for me.

I have noticed something lately. You know when people say 'recognise the difference between hunger and thirst because they are similar'? Well, fasting forces you to do this in practise. When I am not fasting, I listen more to my body. Have I also mentioned that I can't stuff myself any more? I get full... And I hate the feeling of fullness to the extent of nausea, so I stop before I go too far! Also, before, I seemed to always be able to MAKE time to eat. Now, I am so busy exercising, I don't have the time to think about food. I am finding enjoyment in other things, that bring greater joy. Exercise, studying, research, playing mad with my kids, reading in the bath.... One day... You will see my before and after photos next to each other and you will be inspired to do the same. This blog may start about fasting, and how it is transforming my life, but it will hopefully show people that it is NOT unhealthy, and doctors will back it! Watch this space!!! :-))

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