Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The journey so far...


Yesterday I finished fasting week 9. Although I wouldn't say I am noticing my body looking slimmer, I have certainly noticed some changes that I thought I would share with you all. (While I should be studying, I feel this is really important to document). 

I started swimming in November last year. While I swam ever day, I was still eating what I liked and probably just maintained a weight of 20.6, or replaced some of the fat stores with muscle. My weight didn't change much. 

In July, while on holiday, I caught (I say caught as I don't have a tv at home) an amazing documentary with Dr.Michael Mosely on BBC, When I returned home, I announced to my friends (they will remember I have a tendency of doing this) that I was starting to fast. I lasted a few hours. 

January this year, more and more about the potential health benefits of fasting started to surface, and I seemed to acquire friends on facebook who inspired me (Laura Wilkes). I decided to try again. 

This time, I planned at the beginning of the week, on Monday, that I would fast on Sunday after dinner. Each day was a count down to the start. I went in to it believing it would be hard, I would get headaches, feel faint, feel sick, feel uncomfortably hungry. I studied not only the effects, but what I should be doing during a fast, and knew I should drink plenty of water. Since January, I have learned so much, and have had around three fasts that have finished early. I am now building muscle, the tops of my arms are shaped now, and the bingo wings are certainly improving. 

My skin is much improved. I have a condition called Hidradenitis suppurativa. One of the ways to treat this is, by swimming, so it may not just be down to fasting. But, my skin has really calmed down, and the flare ups are a lot less these days! 

Anxiety/ depression. I wouldn't say I was depressed before, but I certainly had issues with my moods. Again, this is a lot down to the exercise. It is my medication. I would really highly recommend this to anyone who has issues with their moods. 

You know everyone says, make sure you are not thirsty as hunger and thirst present very similarly? Well, fasting forces you to do this. While fasting, on the rare occasion my body does ask for food, I almost see the arms of hunger being bashed down by the water and throw down my neck- drowning it! I feel, this practical experiment, if you like, makes it a lot easier to define hunger on none fasting days. So, where before I would have eaten, I now listen to my body, and don't just go straight for food. Also, I don't think of food in the way I used to, and I have noticed that I only overeat when I am in a 'mood'. Not any more though! I find comfort in a nice cup of coffee (trying to find it somewhere else). 

Having a break from food allows me to think about what foods I would like to eat when the fast finishes, and the foods are not what you would expect. I enjoy things like feta, olives, peanut butter, and meat. My chocolate addiction is none existent. I can go weeks and not have any at all. In fact, It isn't just a love for chocolate, but sugar. I will much on dried fruit occasionally, but I have turned my cravings to meat. 

If I was to give anyone any tips on how to fast, here is what they would be- 

1. Go with your body. This is most important because, our bodies are designed to signal when action is needed. (Though reprogramming the body may take some time). Relax, breathe, LISTEN. 

2. Drink lots of water. Feel hungry? Drink! 

3. Keep a mood diary. I have only just started to do this, but I wish I had done this earlier. I notice, when I fast, I go a little quiet, relaxed, slowed down, and when the fast finishes, I bounce from the walls. (You will notice this on Wednesdays!). 

4. Remember this is not a punishment, this is to give your body a weekly rest. You do not fail if you finish early. This is NOT a diet, but a way of life. This is also one of the bug bears I have with Michael Moselys book. But, I suppose ''Fasting way of life'' is not as appealing to the market as ''Fasting diet'' when it comes to selling lots of books. 

I am on a journey, and there will be plenty more to add to this. Since fasting, I have taken on a healthier eating lifestyle, because I WANT to, not because I am on a diet. I do not want to fill my body with crap, I imagine it going in, the goodness, the vitamins making their way to my organs, my skin, my hair, my nails etc. My choices are my own to make. I read up on things, study them, read case studies. If I wouldn't let my children eat the way I used to, why should I? 

I am now even more positive than I was before, loving life, and the fact I could live in to my 100s!! Wow- the thought of that!! It is in my control. I love life- I love the variety that I bring into it, and I love that the universe is opening so many doors for me. 

I have started thinking, if I just ran everywhere, like you say, back from nursery, back from school, to the shops, it all goes toward weight loss!! I NEED some trainers- that is my excuse for not doing. When I go to the park with the kids now, I am more mobile. I don't slump on the bench with my mobile, we take the ball, I go up and down the slide, we run circuits around the bowling field. We make up our own games that may not be in the park.. e.g trying to roll the ball from one bench to another. Timing ourselves around the bowling green. They actually ask if they can go outside the park where the swings are, they find it boring! I think we use that as a cool down from exercise! Lol. Exercise has changed my life around! At last, I am doing what I promised I would when Jacob was born!!!
Now, I have twittered on long enough! I could write a book! 

I also want to add, that without the support of 'intermittent fasting freaks' group on facebook, friends, and family, I would not be where I am today! You have all listened, even if you do not agree with what I am doing, you have all commented on progress photographs, and this is what spurs me on!!

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