Saturday, 16 February 2013

Week 5 day 1

Ok, I know you would normally expect to start with week 1, but I really did not think I had the ability to ' hack it' this long. 5 weeks on, and sticking with it is not an issue at all. This is me, for life!

I have started this blog as I want to inspire others like me. At some point I will add some links to the science of this very controversial way of eating, but for now, I wish to share with you the many benefits I have experienced!

Firstly, my starting weight was 20.6. I didn't weigh myself regularly because I really did not feel it would work. How wrong can you be! Now, 5 weeks later, I am 18.4. Now, this is not the ONLY reason I am fasting, there are many more benefits which, once I am at a healthy weight, will become so much more distinctive.

Week 1-3 was definitely a learning process for me. After finishing my fast, I would eat a normal (for me) sized meal. The problem here was that I felt so full I just wanted to go to bed. It seems feeling full, to discomfort had become normal for me. Why would someone WANT to feel this way? So now, I take a leaf out of the amazing Mr Paul Mckennas book, and stop when I am full.

Water is a huge help when it comes fasting. I recall an advert for acid indigestion tablets,  you see the medication pushing the acid back down the throat. This is the best way I can describe the effect water has on hunger. You take a swig . . . And away it goes, albeit temporarily. I have also noticed that none fasting days I drink more as I recognise more the difference between hunger and thirst!

One more major is that find tge possibility I have intollerences to certain food types. My stomach, apart from occasional hunger, feels amazingly peaceful when not fasting, and on feed days I.notice a huge difference in my Errr 'bodily functions'.

This is an introduction, and I hope that my daily posts will encourage those of you who have made the steps to change their lives forever, and those of you who are researching the potential benefits!

Keep fasting!! :-)) 

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you now have a blog! :) Your doing REALLY REALLY well, good for you. It is hard to lose weight and stay positive... you have a friend 'me' that you can get happy vibes from :) I know what its like, I am walking the same journey as you, just down a different path... stay positive :)
